A very beautiful heirloom apple that stores well.
PF 24-C Cold Hardy Peach on Nemaguard (Spring 2025)
A fantastic cold-hardy, freestone peach.
From Paul Friday's website: "This freestone peach ripens 22 days after Redhaven. This extraordinary peach had to be thinned very hard in 1999 when a winter freeze in Southwestern Michigan wiped out all other varieties. Then in 2002 there was a very late spring freeze (May 21st), and 15 varieties planted around this cultivar failed, but it again had a full crop. This is a very unique peach variety that has it all. This peach is large, firm, highly colored, bacterial spot resistant, and has excellent, rich flavor. I believe this is the best peach for anyone with a questionable peach growing location. The tree is very tough with strong natural right angle crotches and it blooms late. The fruit has much better size and quality than other varieties thought to be hardy such as Reliance and Madison. April 4th of 2007 we had a very cold night with temperatures below 20° F and several nights in the low twenties following a very warm week. The preceding week of warm weather brought the blooms to an almost open state. This variety, deliberately planted in the lowest place on the farm, again came through with flying colors."
Any peach variety with PF at the front of its name is a creation of Paul Friday, Michigan peach breeder extraordinaire.
The Fruit
Fruit Type
Category: Peach
Freestone, Cold-Hardy
Fruit Uses & Storage
Uses: fresh eating, jam, baking, canning, freezing
Storage duration: less than one month (approximate, depending on storage conditions)
Fruit Appearance
Skin color: red
Flesh color: yellow
Fruit Origins
Origin: Coloma, Michigan
Introduced in: 2005
Introduced by: Paul Friday
The Environment
Calendar & Geography
USDA zones: 4 - 8
Chill hours: Not yet determined
Ripening date: Aug 30 (approximate, in New York State) + 22 days after Redhaven
Tree Height & Spacing
Rootstock: Nemaguard Rootstock
Rootstock size class: Standard (100% Size)
Tree spacing: See details
Good for wildlife planting? N
Diseases & Pests
Bacterial Spot: Very Resistant
Pollination Factors
Bloom group:
Is it self-fertile? Y
Is it fertile? Y
Ploidy: Diploid
Rootstock size class:
Standard (100% Size)
Pollination Partners
This table shows the first few results from a full search for pollenizers of PF 24-C Cold Hardy Peach on Nemaguard. Please see our Pollenizer Search to run other queries and read how the application uses various factors. Also read more about fruit tree pollination.
See all pollination matches for PF 24-C Cold Hardy Peach on Nemaguard
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