A very beautiful heirloom apple that stores well.
Orchard Equipment
An orchard is a long-term investment so it is wise to go ahead and get the best equipment that you can afford. Start by purchasing quality hand tools now and move up the tool expense chain to tractors as the need and the cash dictate.
If you are a backyard grower, always buy the best tools you can afford, as a well-buit tool can last you a lifetime. On the other hand, don’t spend good money on tools you don’t need. If you have just a few trees, a chainsaw is not a necessary investment; a handsaw will suffice.
Each of the following pages contains some very basic advice on tools.
Hand Tools: Digging and Pruning
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An Asian pear of exceptionally high quality.
The rock-star, cold-hardy apple from Minnesota.
An excellent late-blooming, yellow-fleshed peach.