A very beautiful heirloom apple that stores well.
Hand Tools for Digging & Pruning
Digging Tools
Let’s start with digging your holes. The bare essentials are:
- Mattock
- Hoe
- Pointed spade
If you are digging trees from your own garden nursery use a flat-bottomed steel digging shovel.
Pruning Tools
Below is a list of our favorite pruning tools:
- Loppers: Get the best. We use 30-inch Hickok wooden-handled loppers. You will need a file to keep these sharp.
- Hand Saw: We use a folding Felco saw.
- Clippers: The #8 Felco is a great set of clippers.
- Rake: You should clear the area around your tree as decaying plant material tends to foster harmful funguses and insects.
Featured Products
A few things we're loving right now...
Hosui Pear on OHxF 97
An Asian pear of exceptionally high quality.
Honeycrisp Apple on G.214
The rock-star, cold-hardy apple from Minnesota.
Contender Peach on BY520-9. Nematode Resistant Peach/nectarine
An excellent late-blooming, yellow-fleshed peach.