A very beautiful heirloom apple that stores well.
Reine Des Pommes Apple on G.41 (Spring 2025)
A traditional bittersweet cider apple from France. Also known as Doux Geslin (erroneously).
This tree is large, vigorous, spreading, and productive. It is very biennial tending and somewhat susceptible to fireblight, powdery mildew, scab, and canker. This variety is used exclusively for cider; it is not suitable for fresh eating.
Reine des Pommes ("Queen of the Apples") is a small, flattish, deep red apple that is netted with a bronze russet. It ripens mid-late season and will hang on the tree until it rots. The off-white flesh yields a clear bittersweet (douce amère) juice. From West County Cider: "Reine des Pomme is an archaic French Apple. We were struck by the taste–tannins and iron–that made it inedible, but intriguing for a cider. As a cider it has a deep, dark-fruit, honeyed taste. We blended it with our Dabinett to round out the tannins, and Redfield to add bright fruit and to balance to the bitter-sweets. Though blended, Reine des Pomme leads the taste, and the Dabinett and Redfield fall in nicely as supports. It is the fullest-bodied cider we have made."
The Fruit
Fruit Type
Category: Apple
Heirloom, Cider
Fruit Uses & Storage
Uses: cider
Cider classification: bittersweet
Storage duration: (approximate, depending on storage conditions)
Fruit Appearance
Skin color: red
Flesh color: off-white
Fruit Origins
Parentage: unknown
Origin: Brittany, France
Introduced in: 1800s
Introduced by:
The Environment
Calendar & Geography
USDA zones: 5 - 7
Chill hours: Not yet determined
Ripening date: Sep 29 (approximate, in New York State) + 14 days after McIntosh
Tree Height & Spacing
Rootstock: G.41 Rootstock
Rootstock size class: Dwarf (30% of Standard)
Tree spacing (natural spread of tree): 8'
Good for wildlife planting? N
Diseases & Pests
Powdery Mildew: Susceptible
Apple Scab: Susceptible
Fireblight: Susceptible
Perennial Canker: Susceptible
Pollination Factors
Bloom group: 2
Is it self-fertile? N
Is it fertile? Y
Ploidy: Diploid
Rootstock size class:
Dwarf (30% of Standard)
Pollination Partners
This table shows the first few results from a full search for pollenizers of Reine Des Pommes Apple on G.41. Please see our Pollenizer Search to run other queries and read how the application uses various factors. Also read more about fruit tree pollination.
See all pollination matches for Reine Des Pommes Apple on G.41
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