A very beautiful heirloom apple that stores well.
Harvesting Fruit from Your Trees
You’ve done it! You’ve planted and pruned and watered and weeded. Now you want to know how much fruit to expect, when it is coming, and how long it will be staying. Should you send your party dress to the dry cleaner or will this be a more casual affair?
You probably won’t be surprised to learn that the answers to all these questions depend very much on what variety of tree you have planted, and on what rootstock. The following pages are intended to help you understand what to expect from different fruit trees in terms of harvest.
Time to Productivity and Maturity
Ripening Dates
Fruit Appearance
Fruit Storage
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Hosui Pear on OHxF 97
An Asian pear of exceptionally high quality.
Honeycrisp Apple on G.214
The rock-star, cold-hardy apple from Minnesota.
Contender Peach on BY520-9. Nematode Resistant Peach/nectarine
An excellent late-blooming, yellow-fleshed peach.