A very beautiful heirloom apple that stores well.
Galarina™ X-4982 CV. Apple on G.11 (Spring 2025)
A disease-resistant offspring of Gala that shows improved storage flavor. Also known as X-4982, Galarina.
This is a very grower-friendly apple. Highly tolerant of fireblight, scab, ceder apple rust and mildew, hardier than Gala, Galarina™ X-4982 cv. is upright-spreading, vigorous, and productive.
The mid-to late (Oct 10) fruit resembles Gala: it is smallish and flushed orange-red. The crisp, sweet flesh has a well-balanced, aromatic flavor, but unlike Gala, Galarina™ X-4982 cv. will preserve the nuances of its flavor in storage for up to four months. This apple even hangs well on the tree - for up to four weeks after harvest - and, if you can bear to leave them for the deer, it makes a great wildlife variety. Galarina™ X-4982 cv. is an all-round outstanding apple.
Galarina™ X-4982 cv. was developed in France and tested in Quebec. It is a cross of Gala and Florina (Querina).
The Fruit
Fruit Type
Category: Apple
Disease-Resistant, Hot-Climate
Fruit Uses & Storage
Uses: fresh eating, storage
Storage duration: three plus months (approximate, depending on storage conditions)
Fruit Appearance
Skin color: red
Flesh color: cream
Fruit Origins
Parentage: Gala x Florina
Origin: France
Introduced in: 1985
Introduced by: INRA Research Station
The Environment
Calendar & Geography
USDA zones: 4 - 8
Chill hours: Not yet determined
Ripening date: Oct 09 (approximate, in New York State) + 24 days after McIntosh
Tree Height & Spacing
Rootstock: G.11 Rootstock
Rootstock size class: Dwarf (25% of Standard)
Tree spacing (natural spread of tree): 8'
Good for wildlife planting? Y
Diseases & Pests
Fireblight: Very Resistant
Powdery Mildew: Very Resistant
Apple Scab: Very Resistant
Cedar-Apple Rust: Very Resistant
Pollination Factors
Bloom group: 3
Is it self-fertile? N
Is it fertile? Y
Ploidy: Diploid
Rootstock size class:
Dwarf (25% of Standard)
Pollination Partners
This table shows the first few results from a full search for pollenizers of Galarina™ X-4982 CV. Apple on G.11. Please see our Pollenizer Search to run other queries and read how the application uses various factors. Also read more about fruit tree pollination.
Tree | Currently in Stock |
Triumph™ Apple on G.41 | 169 |
Honeycrisp Apple on G.214 | 155 |
GoldRush Apple on G.214 | 132 |
RubyMac® Apple on G.41 | 85 |
Sansa Apple on G.41 | 80 |
Kingston Black Apple on G.214 | 80 |
Crimson® Topaz CV. Apple on G.214 | 76 |
Chisel Jersey Apple on G.41 | 75 |
Virginia Crab Apple on G.41 | 74 |
SnowSweet® Apple on G.214 | 71 |
Northern Spy Apple on G.214 | 70 |
See all pollination matches for Galarina™ X-4982 CV. Apple on G.11
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