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PF 19-007 Peach on Lovell (Spring 2026)

You are viewing a tree that will ship in Spring 2026. You can also find trees for Spring 2025.

An outstanding midseason, disease-resistant peach.

This tree is vigorous and productive, but requires less thinning than typical, and it is resistant to bacterial spot and brown rot. PF 19-007 is self-fertile and a second variety will not be needed for pollination.

From the breeder Paul Friday: "One of my very favorite peach varieties. This peach variety ripens 17 days after Redhaven and where two industry standards PF 17 and PF 23 overlap. In my opinion it has even better fruit quality than either of them. It has beautiful, large (mostly 3"), highly-colored firm fruit, and it is bacterial spot resistant. It is also brown rot resistant! A truly freestone peach, it is very prolific. In the 2002 season, when most varieties in Michigan froze from a spring frost, this variety had a full crop in a very low place. PF 19-007 also blooms late. Fruit has been exceptional in every way every year since. Yields per acre of this variety are very high and rival the well known yields of PF 17."

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This tree is vigorous and productive, but requires less thinning than typical, and it is resistant to bacterial spot and brown rot. PF 19-007 is self-fertile and a second variety will not be needed for pollination.

From the breeder Paul Friday: "One of my very favorite peach varieties. This peach variety ripens 17 days after Redhaven and where two industry standards PF 17 and PF 23 overlap. In my opinion it has even better fruit quality than either of them. It has beautiful, large (mostly 3"), highly-colored firm fruit, and it is bacterial spot resistant. It is also brown rot resistant! A truly freestone peach, it is very prolific. In the 2002 season, when most varieties in Michigan froze from a spring frost, this variety had a full crop in a very low place. PF 19-007 also blooms late. Fruit has been exceptional in every way every year since. Yields per acre of this variety are very high and rival the well known yields of PF 17."

The Fruit

Fruit Type

Category: Peach
Subcategory: Freestone, Cold-Hardy, Disease-Resistant

Fruit Uses & Storage

Uses: fresh eating, jam, baking, canning, freezing
Storage duration: less than one month (approximate, depending on storage conditions)

Fruit Appearance

Skin color: red
Flesh color: yellow

Fruit Origins

Origin: Coloma, Michigan
Introduced in: 2005
Introduced by: Paul Friday

The Environment

Calendar & Geography

USDA zones: 4 - 8
Chill hours: Not yet determined
Ripening date: Aug 25 (approximate, in New York State) + 17 days after Redhaven

Tree Height & Spacing

Rootstock: Lovell Rootstock
Rootstock size class: Standard (100% Size)
Tree spacing: See details
Good for wildlife planting? N

Diseases & Pests

Bacterial Spot: Very Resistant
Brown Rot, Blossom Blight, Fruit Rot: Resistant

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