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M.7 Apple Rootstock (Spring 2025)

The standard rootstock against which all semi-dwarf stocks are measured. Also known as Malling 7, M.VII, M.7 EMLA.

This dependable old semi-dwarf rootstock was the basis upon which American apple farming shifted from large standard trees to moderate density plantings. On good, deep soil, trees on M.7 are free-standing, but on poorly drained soils, leaning often occurs. The root systems of M.7 tend to be vertically oriented, and if the roots hit an impenetrable clay pan at 12 to 18 inches, root growth usually stops and the tree "runts out." Production usually begins in the third or fourth year–later than for newer rootstocks, and suckering on M.7 can be so heavy as to be a serious problem.

The East Malling Research Station salvaged this stock from the challenging confusion of clonal rootstocks prevalent in Europe a hundred years ago. It was the first semi-dwarfing stock to prove adaptable to "broad acre" farming. Tolerance to fireblight and perhaps to collar rot has played a significant role in the success of Malling 7. It also appears to be completely tolerant of the common latent viruses. Old strains of Malling 7, including the selections introduced into the United States in the 1930s and 1040s, were all infected with at least three viruses. In England, the East Malling and John Innes research stations cleaned up M.7 and reintroduced the result as "Malling 7 EMLA," which is also slightly more vigorous than the old M.7. This improved version of the rootstock is what is now broadly referred to as "M.7," and it is what we use and sell under the name M.7.

Volume Pricing

Premiums are included in the following prices if applicable. All rootstocks are roughly 1/4" diameter, approximately pencil-size.

Quantity M.7 Apple Rootstock
1-24 $4.65
25-99 $4.25
100-299 $3.25
300+ $2.75

Order Your Rootstocks

$4.65 ea.

This is the full retail price for orders of 1-24 rootstocks. You can get these rootstocks for as low as $2.75 each – see Volume Pricing above. More about Pricing & Grading.

2432 in stock
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This dependable old semi-dwarf rootstock was the basis upon which American apple farming shifted from large standard trees to moderate density plantings. On good, deep soil, trees on M.7 are free-standing, but on poorly drained soils, leaning often occurs. The root systems of M.7 tend to be vertically oriented, and if the roots hit an impenetrable clay pan at 12 to 18 inches, root growth usually stops and the tree "runts out." Production usually begins in the third or fourth year–later than for newer rootstocks, and suckering on M.7 can be so heavy as to be a serious problem.

The East Malling Research Station salvaged this stock from the challenging confusion of clonal rootstocks prevalent in Europe a hundred years ago. It was the first semi-dwarfing stock to prove adaptable to "broad acre" farming. Tolerance to fireblight and perhaps to collar rot has played a significant role in the success of Malling 7. It also appears to be completely tolerant of the common latent viruses. Old strains of Malling 7, including the selections introduced into the United States in the 1930s and 1040s, were all infected with at least three viruses. In England, the East Malling and John Innes research stations cleaned up M.7 and reintroduced the result as "Malling 7 EMLA," which is also slightly more vigorous than the old M.7. This improved version of the rootstock is what is now broadly referred to as "M.7," and it is what we use and sell under the name M.7.

Rootstock Details

Category: apple

Tree Height & Spacing

Rootstock size class: Half-Standard (60% of Standard)
Tree spacing: See details
Good for wildlife planting?


Precocious: N
Anchorage: poor
Burr Knots: Y
Suckering: Y
Virus: N
Brittleness: N
Ease of Grafting: Y

Diseases & Pests

Fireblight: Very Resistant
Phytophthora (Collar Rot, Crown Rot, Root Rot): Resistant

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