A very beautiful heirloom apple that stores well.
G.11 Apple Rootstock (Spring 2025)
A disease-resistant alternative to M.9. Also known as Geneva 11.
This dwarfing hybrid of Malling 26 and Robusta 5 is one of our favorite rootstocks at Cummins Nursery. G.11 has good resistance to collar rot and moderate resistance to apple replant disease. It has fireblight resistance that is significantly improved over M.9. Woollies find it less palatable than both M.26 and M.9. Burr knots and suckering are uncommon. The roots will have decent anchorage, but we have observed some leaning and we recommend that the tree receive support. Trees should be planted on good quality soils for best results; under positive conditions they will be precocious and productive. This rootstock outyields M.9 by 10 to 30%.
Highest-density planting recommendations for Honeycrisp and other weak cultivars: 2-2.5' x 10-11' (2178-1584 trees/acre); for vigorous cultivars such as McIntosh, Fuji, Mutsu, and Jonagold: 2.5-3.5' x 11-12' (1584-1037 trees/acre).
This was one of the first releases to come out of the Geneva, NY breeding program, developed by my father, Dr. Jim Cummins with Dr.Herb Aldwinckle.
Volume Pricing
Quantity | G.11 Apple Rootstock |
1-24 | $4.6 |
25-99 | $4.1 |
100-299 | $3.45 |
300+ | $2.95 |
Rootstock Details
Category: apple
Tree Height & Spacing
Rootstock size class: Dwarf (25% of Standard)
Tree spacing: See details
Good for wildlife planting?
Precocious: Y
Anchorage: average
Burr Knots: N
Suckering: N
Virus: N
Brittleness: N
Ease of Grafting: Y
Diseases & Pests
Fireblight: Resistant
Phytophthora (Collar Rot, Crown Rot, Root Rot): Resistant
Replant Disease: Resistant
Woolly Apple Aphid: Susceptible
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